
(1)  My name is Earl L. Zimmerman

(2)  My address is:  XXXXXXXXXX

(3)  I am employed as: __________________________________.(X)I am retired

(4)  During World War II, I served in the Army Air Force as an aircraft radio operator.  After the war ended, I left the service, but reenlisted a short time later, reporting to Roswell Army Air field (RAAF), New Mexico, in or about March 1947.  There I served in the base radio shack as a high-speed code transmission radio operator.  In early 1949, I was transferred to the Office of Special Investigations and assigned to District 17 headquarters at Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque.

(5)  While stationed at RAAF, I moonlighted as a bartender in the base officer's club.  During the summer of 1947, I heard many rumors about flying saucers in the club and around the base, including something about investigating the discovery of one under the guise of a plane crash investigation.  At about this time, I saw Eighth Air Force commander General Roger Ramey in the O club more than once.  On a couple of these occasions, he had Charles Lindbergh with him and I heard they were on the base because of the flying saucer business.  There was no publicity about Lindbergh's visits, and I was very surprised to see him in the club.  I think he came to Roswell with Ramey, and I seem to recall that on one of these occasions Ramey had flown in from Puerto Rico.

(6)  At about the same time, I learned that an officer not stationed at the base, a big man whom I saw in the club a number of times, was a Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) agent.  I do not recall how I learned the man was with CIC, but on one occasion when this officer was in the club, I called him to the attention of Colonel William H. Blanchard, the base commander.  Blanchard was unaware that this CIC agent was on his base, so he went over and introduced himself.  Later, Blanchard told me there was no problem.

(7)  In early 1949, after being transferred to OSI in Albuquerque, I worked with Dr. Lincoln LaPaz of the University of New Mexico on an extended project at the university's research station on top of Sandia Peak.  We were told the Air Force was concerned about "something" being in the night sky over Los Alamos, and we took 15-minute exposures of the sky with a four by five Speed Graphic camera.  We worked in three-man, one-week shifts, and Dr. LaPaz was in charge.

(8)  During this project, which lasted for several months, I got to know Dr. LaPaz very well.  When I mentioned to him I had been stationed in Roswell during 1947, he told me he had been involved in the investigation of the thing found in the Roswell area that summer.  He did not discuss the case in any detail, but he did say he went out with two agents and interviewed sheepherders, ranchers, and others.  They told these witnesses they were investigating an aircraft accident.  I seem to recall LaPaz also saying they found an area where the surface earth had been turned a light blue and wondering if lightning could cause such an effect.

(10)  I have not been paid or given anything of value to make this statement, and it is the truth to the best of my recollection.

Signed:  Earl L. Zimmerman
Nov. 2, 1993

Signature witnessed by:
Beverly J. Maggard, 11-2-93

[Source:   Karl Pflock, Roswell in Perspective, 1994]
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