This is a recently updated version of Roswell debris descriptions that I originally posted to the Net in 1996.  I have also included some commentary from the skeptics with their "explanations" for the debris or descriptions of Mogul balloon equipment, the current official USAF explanation of the Roswell crash.

To assist in comparing various eyewitness descriptions, the crash materials have been divided into several broad categories (click on links to view testimony):

1.  Wood-like/plastic-like sticks or metallic I-beams with "hieroglyphic" writing.
2.  Tough, flexible, foil-like material, usually with "memory" properties.
3.  Descriptions of other metal-like substances, particularly unbendable metal.
4.  Tape-like material with "hieroglyphic" writing or "flower patterns"
5.  Parchment or paper-like material, with "hieroglyphics"
6.  Threadlike or wire-like material.
7.  Size of the debris field, quantities of debris, gouges in the ground, and size of object
8.  Miscellaneous comments 
     * Dr. Robert Sarbacher's comments on lightweight saucer crash materials and aliens.  
     * Canadian engineer Wilbert B. Smith's comments on handling and analyzing non-Roswell flying 
        saucer debris.  Corroboration of some testimony by Vice-Admiral Herbert Knowles and 
        Smith's metalurgist.
     * APRO directors Jim and Coral Lorenzen's descriptions of test results on various recovered UFO 
        fragments, all magnesium based 
     * Swedish military officer Karl Bartoll's comments on the suspected magnesium composition of a 
        crashed Swedish "ghost rocket" he led the search for
     * Ufologist Jacques Vallee's skeptical "aluminized Saran" comments on Roswell.
9.  Nanotechnology and Aerospace Supermaterials  
     Extracted comments from the literature on the physical properties of supermaterials manufactured
     with nanotechnology which strongly resemble properties described for Roswell materials, now being
     explored by NASA for future spacecraft and by the Army for armor.

The complete debris file in Microsoft Word .DOC format can also be downloaded here ==>.  
This is over 60 pages long when printed out.

The eyewitness descriptions are derived from the following primary sources with the following abbreviations:

B&M:  Charles Berlitz and William Moore, The Roswell Incident, 1980.
C&S: Tom Carey and Donald Schmitt, Witness to Roswell, 2007
F&B:  Stanton Friedman and Don Berliner, Crash at Corona, 1991 
R&S1:  Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt, UFO Crash at Roswell, 1991
R&S2:   Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt, The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell, 1994 
RUCU:  Kevin Randle, Roswell UFO Crash Update, 1995
H&M:  Michael Hesseman and Philip Mantle, Beyond Roswell, 1997
Pflock:  Karl Pflock, Roswell in Perspective, 1994 or Roswell:  Inconvenient Facts and the Will to Believe, 2001
Corley:  Linda Corley's interview with Jesse Marcel, May 5, 1981
Shirkey:  Robert Shirkey, Roswell 1947:  "I Was There", 1999
U.M.:  TV Program "Unsolved Mysteries," Sept. 1989 
KPFA:  KPFA radio broadcast, Berkeley, CA, 11/15/94, Ralph Steiner, producer
FOX:  FOX TV Network production of "Alien Autopsy" (Aug. 28, 1995)
VIDEO1:  UFOs, A Need to Know, 1991.
VIDEO2:  UFO Secret:  The Roswell Crash, 1994.
FUFOR:  The Roswell Events, ed. Fred Whiting, sponsored by Fund for UFO Research, 1991; quoted in the 1994 Air Force Report on Roswell.
USAF:  United States Air Force Report on Roswell, Sept. 1994., Sept. 1995.
SR#2 & SR#6:  Leonard Stringfield's UFO Crash/Retrievals Status Report II, 1980, VI, 1991.
SKEP:  July/August 1995 "Skeptical Inquirer"

Other references are listed as noted.
Debris index1. Beams2. Memory foil3. Other metal4. Tape5. Parchment
6. Fibers7. Debris field size/quantity8. Misc. Testimony9. Nanotech Supermaterials

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Compiled by David Rudiak
Last updated: July 3, 2024